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10 Signs of Dementia to Recognize
As a caregiver, spouse or family member, it’s important to recognize some of the common signs of dementia in aging adults. Dementia is a general term used to describe the decline…
Understanding Sundown Syndrome
Sundown Syndrome Information Sundown Syndrome is a common issue for some seniors living with dementia. In fact, according to Dr. Neil Lava, sundown syndrome affects one out of five people…
Reduce the Risk of Falls at Home
Reducing the Risk of Falls at Home Did you know that every year in America, 1 in 3 Americans over the age of 65 falls at home? When an elderly…
Avoiding the Flu This Winter
Helpful Tips for Avoiding the Flu As the middle of winter approaches, flu season begins. This winter is no exception. We have assembled a few suggestions to help you prevent flu this…
TOUR OUR CENTER AND MEET OUR AMAZING TEAM!! THURSDAY 10/19/23 4PM-6PM PLEASE RSVP TO EMILY: 502-524-9155129 St. Matthews Avenue Louisville KY 40207
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Aliquam erat volutpat. Pellentesque non nulla leo. Phasellus facilisis ultricies metus, nec commodo purus laoreet at. Quisque posuere justo nec placerat congue. Proin ornare eget diam et tincidunt.